Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Resolutions: Thoughts

Right Resolutions: Thoughts

First of all, I shall with all my might, make my thoughts free of all other elements that are not pure and unalloyed Love।

This task I know in my heart of hearts is most difficult, as there are people, places and occasions which may provoke unloving thoughts, but I shall cling with all my might to this principle reminding myself forcibly that:

Love is greater than Hate,
Love is greater than Doubt,
Love is greater than Fear,
Love is greater than Anger,
Love is greater than Impatience,
Love is greater than Self pity,
Love is greater than all morbid feelings,
Love is greater than Depression,
Love is greater than all the afflictions of body and mind.

I shall therefore with solemn resolution try to shut out all other thoughts, images and impressions which provoke anything but love in my heart.

I shall not allow discouragement and depression to come upon me in my struggle to establish myself in this divine rhythm.

If, perchance, my purpose is overshadowed at any time by momentary gloom, doubt or dejection, I shall start again with renewed faith and hop and call out with yearning spirit to the Supreme Power to re-establish me in my resolution.

My first objective shall always be to bind myself with such thoughts of lovingness that every corner and every pillar and post of my mental life be well founded, leaving no place for the onslaught of any alien influence. I shall do this devoutly, earnestly, with my whole hearted and one-pointed devotion.

I shall unite my whole being for this purpose, for I know unless I can have the absolute co-operation of my entire being, I cannot achieve success in this my noble venture.

I shall be silent, calm, contemplative and indrawn that all my faculties may be co-ordinated, established, rhythmic and resolute.

May the supreme power who makes all things possible unto me, protect me against myself that I may never become conscious of my self-importance and my own achievements, but may ever remain a humble, rhythmic, flexible and dependable instrument in HIS hands.

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