Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Byronic Unhappiness

Byronic Unhappiness

“Where our thoughts and Opinions live, there we Dwell”
By understanding one’s life style, we can find the solution very easily but we never intend to do so in this manic world.
When a tired husband returns from the office, as soon as he relaxes after washing face, his wife with hot beverage sits before him. He tries to offload his daily transactions in the office trying to relax mentally, but wife invariantly puts a comma to that by saying she got some work in Kitchen. So thoughts of sharing views with Wife were evaporated for Mr.Husband and he will get mood off and stick to Idiot box.

After all daily chores the wife enters the private room Bedroom. Intimately he took her and started to feel her. But she starts all the issues with milkman, serials and maid, gossips she heard in that day and child education. Though it’s untimely discussion , she never puts an end to it. By the time she turns towards him, and found that he already slept. This was not story but the truth in many lives daily.

Each minute, mostly woman feel insecure about their role and place. Hence they try to express with various actions. They do not find interest in anything, cannot express views clearly, dual hearted and never consider others feelings with sense and sensibility and even cannot appreciate with love and compassion.

If you peep in to this family, you find no problem apparently at macro level. But lost happiness in family life will increase boredom, short temper. This will lead the Gentlemean to search for some opposite sex (female) at work level or outside.

Even if this gentleman got the same type of woman for whom he searched through, he never feel happiness again, the reason being is simple and clear, the sense of guilty. And this so called society never appreciates his feelings and considers his attachment as extramarital affair.
Hence we cannot live in a space in which we cannot express our views and ideaology. Though we live but just like deadened

Conquest of Happiness

Conquest of Happiness

One has to understand the difference between the Comfort and Happiness.

The tragedy of Present day Human Life is, in the mindst of increasing comforts man is finding decreasing Happiness.

Reasons for developing Discomforts:

» Byronic unhappiness
» Competition
» Boredom and Excitement
» Fatigue
» Envy
» The Sense of Sin
» Persecution Mania
» Fear of Public Opinion

The explanation follows daily...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Is Happiness virtual or reality?

It’s been quite uneasy for me these days while I listen to people saying that they were not happy with their life.

I do not have that much time to listen to everyone’s issue and guide them to track back. If ever I get that time I’m happy doing so.

Why I do this, not for money, not for fame but as a responsibility being born as Human.

I found it’s very easy to say we’re unhappy but any time have we tried to find why we’re unhappy. I hope most of the people never did this because we’re afraid of ourselves, our thoughts, ideas, feelings,relations and even actions.

We might express our thoughts so expressly exactly oppositely what we feel inside our heart.

We never found the Happiness because it’s with us but not visible. We try to buy the expensive gift for our beloved to show how much we love them. But have we really love them? I doubt. We do all this gifts and others to show public not to our heart.

The tragedy of Present day Human Life is, in the mindst of increasing comforts man is finding decreasing Happiness.

I have seen people who told me they were in search of peace and happiness, out of spiritual inclination I advised them some remedies but they were failed as these people were interested in only expressing the cause ,trials of finding it and enjoying.

These issues made me to write a detailed article on Finding Happiness and living with it. For this I took permission from my Guru and the story line was from him Only.

I’ll focus more on topics like this depending your feedback and comments

Thanking you

Jai Gurudev

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Right Resolutions : Deeds

Right Resolutions: DEEDS

I shall approach every act that is assigned to me without any regard whether it is high or low, fitting or unfitting , worthy or unworthy.

I shall approach every task that is placed before me with a sacred feeling of divine trust and do it it with my whole-souled devotion.

When success and glory come to me, I shall with all sincerity and honesty of spirit lay them unto Him, Who is the source of all my strength.
I shall also remind myself that if it is He Who enables my limbs to function, my mind and brain to do their part, without Whose, aid there is no success in life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Right Resolutions : Words

Right Resolutions: Words

My words and greetings shall be good import and of good cheer, for I know when my thoughts are permeated with the noble principle of love, my words cannot help but express joyousness, sweetness and the truth which are the attributes of love.

If, perchance, someone provokes irritation, impatience or anger in me, I shall remind myself of their unreality and call myself to order with inner whisper---
Be thou calm!
Be thou patient!
Forget not thy resolution of Love!

If I cannot say a good, loving, cheerful or constructive word, I shall leave it unsaid.
If I cannot bring words of encouragement and inspiration, I shall remain silent.
If I am ignored and insulted, I shall learn to draw from it a holy lesson in humility.
I shall not let my tongue outrage me nor shall I brood over my impatient and unkind utterances and thus sink into moods of depression.
If, perchance, I blunder through forgetfulness and utter empty, impatient speech, I shall remind myself that with greater inner rhythm, in due time, all these frailties will vanish.

I shall form the habit of speaking cheerfully, to the point, and only of things of good import. If others speak to me harshly, I shall speak calmly or remain silent.
If anyone speaks with evil intent, I shall guard my tongue with fortitude and remind myself that truth is mightier than untruth and repeat:-
Truth is eternal,
Truth is my strength,
Truth is my safeguard,
Truth is ever triumphant,
I am armed with Truth.

I shall try to realize with calm spirit that truth is above all falsehood.
I shall not speak aught for self-glorification or in self-depreciation. I shall not speak aught against any living being and I shall try as much as possible not to listen to any ill report, knowing that such things always leave unhappy shadows.

I shall bring an atmosphere of truth, sanctity and beauty of speech, always reminding myself that if my heart is filled with divine3and noble instincts of love my mouth will be incapable of uttering aught that is unrhythmic and unlyrical.
May, He Who is the power for all good things make my words rhythmic, true, helpful and happy

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Resolutions: Thoughts

Right Resolutions: Thoughts

First of all, I shall with all my might, make my thoughts free of all other elements that are not pure and unalloyed Love।

This task I know in my heart of hearts is most difficult, as there are people, places and occasions which may provoke unloving thoughts, but I shall cling with all my might to this principle reminding myself forcibly that:

Love is greater than Hate,
Love is greater than Doubt,
Love is greater than Fear,
Love is greater than Anger,
Love is greater than Impatience,
Love is greater than Self pity,
Love is greater than all morbid feelings,
Love is greater than Depression,
Love is greater than all the afflictions of body and mind.

I shall therefore with solemn resolution try to shut out all other thoughts, images and impressions which provoke anything but love in my heart.

I shall not allow discouragement and depression to come upon me in my struggle to establish myself in this divine rhythm.

If, perchance, my purpose is overshadowed at any time by momentary gloom, doubt or dejection, I shall start again with renewed faith and hop and call out with yearning spirit to the Supreme Power to re-establish me in my resolution.

My first objective shall always be to bind myself with such thoughts of lovingness that every corner and every pillar and post of my mental life be well founded, leaving no place for the onslaught of any alien influence. I shall do this devoutly, earnestly, with my whole hearted and one-pointed devotion.

I shall unite my whole being for this purpose, for I know unless I can have the absolute co-operation of my entire being, I cannot achieve success in this my noble venture.

I shall be silent, calm, contemplative and indrawn that all my faculties may be co-ordinated, established, rhythmic and resolute.

May the supreme power who makes all things possible unto me, protect me against myself that I may never become conscious of my self-importance and my own achievements, but may ever remain a humble, rhythmic, flexible and dependable instrument in HIS hands.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Right Resolutions

We all aware that we are human beings and are abide by certain resolutions and rights. But everywhere and everytime we had conflict with rights and obligations and mostly difficult to come out of these.

It's rare for one who never concentrates on these issues and if one, becomes peculiar in this society.

I like to go through my understanding of these with higher plain attitudes and admirable personalities

Right Resolutions
I shall begin this day with the resolution that I may in every way make myself an open channel for God’s love to manifest through me.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that no matter whatsoever obstacles may arise before me, I shall try in every way through my thought, word and deed to overcome them.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that I may not hurt any living being with my thought, word or deed.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that all my thoughts, words and deeds be constructive, helpful and productive of great good.
I shall begin this day with the consciousness that I am a distinct part of that One Who is all wise, all powerful and all loving.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I was awaken from deep at around 3.0am and quite disturbed and un noticingly it was pinching the desire unknown.
I tried to overcome for more than an hour but unable to do so.
I even sat for meditation hoping that reveal and heal the patch i lost, but My efforts were in vain.
Slowly it started headache and heavy body pains.
Interestingly i was able to see some images but certainly not dreaming.
I was with my Samiji at his Lotus feet and he's teaching my the subject that I never asked for, i.e "the art of Pursuance"

I spent approxiamately a hour and half with him and slowly went to sleep.

Is this final signal i'm receiving for the teaching pursuance to those of need and correct the world if satisfied. or is it time to test my ability in this art.
All questions left again to him only.

Jai Gurudev

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm very thought provoking and inspirative personality in the view of my friends.
From my end I feel I'm more easy going and submissive to the feet of My Gurudev none other.
Though I accept all types in course of my life travel I do have sometimes emotionally breakouts but because of My Guruji's blessings, I'll be normal in no moment.

Today I had a dream..
I'm wandering through thick forests but duly understandable that with quest. But quest for what??
For a life that never seen ..
For a person who can lead me in the sadhana marg further..
For a partner with whom all my hopes and plans flourish and cherish..

Sarve jana Sukhinobavanthu