Thursday, March 11, 2010

11.Push Not

1I'm surprised to see everyday in our life we used to get forced or pushed by our own parts (body), better half, partners, friends, employers, so called well wishers.
Are we really enjoy somebody pushing us? 
We never ask this question quite frequently because we afraid of ourselves and as we donot want to come out of those nests which we build upon the fraud, false and fake streams. We are afraid of ourselves to speak the truth of our own heart and always nod head for something that's not our like. Hence most of us feel pushed by time but no complaints on that seriously.
 Why we practice this?
Because, push is easier than Pull, hence we select always things that are easier for us to perform than their original intentions and understanding and application.
If I ever  push some one though with good intentions at one junction, it turns negative effect and sole purpose of push will be nullified.
Hence it's just like "SUMO" where two Sumo's fight for their respective win and never like to obey for loss. 

Instead make it "ai ki do" mean blending our inner forces, not force against force. And every move in aikido comes to that point, where both the aggressor's ki and my ki are blended. Right at that point, when we're in alignment, I have control over the other person and what happens to him and his body. Totally. It takes no effort. Because we're in complete alignment.

The application to motivating others is profound, because I don't really want to resist what my people are doing or saying. I want to guide their natural inner energy toward a mutual goal, theirs and mine. I want to receive and guide my people's natural energy...I don't want to oppose it or make it wrong.

 Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.


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