Monday, January 11, 2010

Makara sankramana / Uttarayana Punyakaala / Vedic Winter Solstice

Hai Friends

From January 14th, the Sun begins its journey northward as it transits into the constellation of Capricorn, signaling the end of darkness and the return of ever increasing daylight through July 16th.
In astrological terms, it is the Vedic Winter Solstice and in India it is referred to as "sankranti or Pongal". The transit is a powerful opportunity to change your old ways and rewrite the rules for the next year.

Your old ways might not have brought you the affluence or poignant happiness that you have been yearning for. The celebrations associated with this transit carry a strong vibration which can stir up your awareness and help you receive what you rightly deserve.

What to do?
1. The morning of January 13th prior to the transit is the time to clean your homes and your mind

2. Run through your closets and throw out old items from the past that no longer has a place in your life.

3. Spiritually this is the time to overhaul of your current self and getting ready for a higher self. This festival celebrates leaving behind the old way of doing things, be it relationship, money matters or health habits.

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