Friday, July 4, 2008

26. Co-Operation

26. Co-Operation

Cooperation is an essential ingredient in the plan for a successful and satisfying life.

At work a good balance of friendliness with superiors, peers, and subordinates is very important. It can provide new opportunities as well as an increase in self-confidence and enjoyment of the workday. Cooperation is equally rewarding after hours with casual encounters, friends and family.

By listening and making an effort to see others' viewpoints, there will be less pressure to perform and tasks at hand will be made easier. Good results will come more naturally. We can hardly learn anything when we are speaking but when we are listening there is a good chance that we will hear something that will broaden our outlook and improve our knowledge. The other person will appreciate your attention and will be friendlier and also more receptive. Everyone should benefit.

"He will succeed if he remains firm in principle and goes beyond selfish considerations to mingle freely with those who do not share his feelings, as well as those who do." - I Ching

Easy on the criticism! When we criticize others, we make ourselves look bad. When we gossip we imitate the snake and gain just that kind of reputation. Do you trust someone who makes a habit of gossiping? The next time you are ready to criticize, pause for a minute and begin to consider the positives of the person or situation. Perhaps you will change your mind.

"If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others." - Duc de Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)

Be friendly and be interested to get ahead and to feel good about life

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