Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Laws of Life

Laws of Life

It's funny to know that there exist some Laws proposed or finalisd in Life too.
But these laws I found were simply funny..
Go through

Law of Mechanical Repair
After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

Anthony's Law of the Workshop:
Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner

Kovac's Conundrum:
When you dial a wrong number,you never get an engaged one

Cannon's Karmic Law:
If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire

O'brien's Variation Law:
If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

When the body is immersed in water , the telephone rings.

The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are With someone you don't want to be seen with.

When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach

At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle Arrive last.

As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

You remember you have to mail a letter only when you're near the mailbox.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

32. Meditation

32. Meditation

Meditation has long been known in Eastern religions as a way to reduce tension and attain peace of mind. There are variations some of which might not be suitable to everyone or if practiced in the extreme. This topic is worth studying if you are having trouble breaking the anxiety and stress habits.

Some basic meditating might easily replace stress and tenseness with peace of mind and relaxation.

An over simplified effort might be:
Find a quiet place by yourself.
Get in a relaxed position.
Rest your eyes downward, almost closed, not tight.
Breathe slowly and naturally.
Do not think about anything else except what you are doing.
Do this for 15-20 minutes.

When lying wide awake in bed, or taking a calming break, try fixing your eyes and thoughts on an insignificant mark on the wall, a small glittery area, or perhaps a shadow. Keep staring at this and think of nothing else. As your eyes wander off bring them back to the object. With practice this will often send you off to a dreamy, peaceful state. (This is not advised while on the job or in the classroom.)

"Meditation has been defined as the cessation of active eternal thought" - Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


31. Health

Professional medical advice should always be a first consideration with a physical or mental problem. There may be a solution to an ailment that could only be determined by a qualified professional.

There are also a wide variety of books written, many by doctors and specialists, that present ideas for self-improving our health. This vast amount of knowledge is worth checking out. A common thread in many self-help books seems to be the enormous effect that our thoughts and attitude have on our physical and mental well being

. "We ought to be more concerned about removing wrong thoughts from the mind than about removing tumors and abscesses from the body." - Epictetus. (50-138)

Some health problems are more receptive to an improved mental attitude than others. A dependency on street drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, robs most users of their best health. It can be extremely difficult to get rid of the habit disease, but fortunately there is a lot of help. Read books on addiction and other self-help topics, go to support groups such as AA, and talk about it with someone.You know you're getting old when people keep telling you you're looking good. Aging has its special problems, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take pleasure in it. It can be a time when you are able to say "I don't care" about certain problems. So many of life's anxieties and troubles lessen or fade away in later years.

Every season hath its pleasures; Spring may boast her flowery prime,

Yet the vineyard's ruby treasures Brighten Autumn's soberer time. - Thomas Moore (1779-1852)

So don't just sit around watching TV. Get up and about, but relax and don't rush. Be positive and friendly. Read and learn to improve your wellbeing. Develop and follow healthy eating habits. Sleep well!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

30. Humility

30. Humility

A certain amount of humility is helpful in moving on through the stages of life. It gives us a realistic approach to interacting with other people in our lives.

Sometimes competing with others or stressing ourselves to prove that we are better, can be a lot of fun and provide enjoyment and rewards. Friendly competition with friends, when all are participating with goodwill, is entertaining. There is a downside in trying to win or achieve more just for the sake of feeling superior to another person. The result can be a loss of much needed self-esteem in the long run.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to some other person. True nobility is being superior to your former self." - Hindu Proverb

Accepting that we made a mistake puts it behind us, and we can then quit pretending or wishing that it hadn't happened. We should realize that we make mistakes just as others do, and we will make more in the future. So there's no need to be embarrassed or worried.

"A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is by saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday." - Alexander Pope (1688-1744)

By not acting better or more important than other people we will receive respect and friendship that is so worthwhile. Over-confidence can get us into trouble as we will appear conceited, and prospective friends will be wary. But have respect for yourself and take pride in doing good things.

"He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

A good balance of humility and self-confidence is an ideal way to exist.

Monday, July 7, 2008

29. Cheerfulness

29. Cheerfulness

Cheerfulness is a state of mind in which we feel content and confident and are free of stress, anxieties and fear. A prolonged state of being cheerful is happiness.

Cheerfulness is wearing a smile and therefore easy to distinguish. It is usually contagious and will often be returned, so that the positive feelings flow both ways.

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure, but, scattered along life's pathway, The good they do is inconceivable." - Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

It is said that laughter is the best medicine. It is an excellent medicine. When you are low and perhaps feeling sorry for yourself, find something funny to laugh at. You can't feel really bad and laugh at the same time. Laughter just feels good. When things are a bit sour between friends, what better way to set things right, than to have a good laugh together.

"The most completely lost of all days is that on which one has not laughed." - Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794)

We may not feel like smiling or laughing because we have too much upsetting us. This is a condition that we can usually do something about. Since we are happy when we have pleasant thoughts, we can change our thoughts to something that is enjoyable. Sometimes it is difficult when we are in a deep rut but it can be done with practice.

"Thus the sovereign voluntary path to cheerfulness, if your cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there." - William James (1842-1910)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


28. Worry

The harm that worry causes in our lives has been well documented by health professionals and others. Worry can weaken and sicken us, and make our days unbearable. At the very least, it prevents us from living fully and happily the only life that we will ever have. At its worse, it can destroy us.

"A god, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite and turns the hair gray." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)

It does a lot more than that, Benjamin! But the worry disease can be cured and it certainly can be reduced. Of course it requires a change in our thinking - how to view and react to situations. Worrying over things that 'might' happen can waste large portions of our lives, considering that so often it is for nothing, and almost certainly does no good.

"If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?" - Shantideva

Worrying about things that have happened will not turn back the hands of time to give you another try at doing it right. So that is a waste of time too. So many of our anxieties and fears are for nothing. Most of the rest can simply be discarded because worrying just isn't going to do any good. So let's spend our time thinking about the good and pleasant things in our lives, and move on in a peaceful and contented state of mind.

"I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever." - Isak Dinesen

A program to become knowledgeable on the subject of worry, through reading and other instruction, can help in turning our lives around. A life filled with contentment and lacking stress and worry are the goals to be achieved.

It's never too late to start eliminating worry.

Saturday, July 5, 2008



"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care." Easy for you, Shakespeare!

It's distressing to be completely exhausted and unable to relax and have a good night's sleep. The more you toss around the more stressed you become and the more you toss around. There are various ways that can help in preventing sleepless nights and it is worth learning more about the problem.

Quietly relaxing in the latter part of the evening is most helpful in preparing for a restful sleep. Exercise is stimulating and if done approaching bedtime might put you in a wide awake state.

Trying to put yourself to sleep seems to have the opposite effect. Instead of clamping your eyes tight, try leaving them open to roam the room. Fixing them on an insignificant object can take even more pressure off. In many cases people don't need as much sleep as they think they do. If you consider that you could manage well with less, there will be less effort on trying to get to sleep. Removing the necessity will often relax you, make you feel better, and allow you to drift off.

When wide-eyed and thrashing about during the night, sometimes a change of scene and thoughts works. This can be helpful in salvaging a night's sleep: Get out of bed, have a wash, make a hot non-alcohol drink, and watch TV or read for awhile. Try to enjoy it and don't rush back. Often in a half to one hour drowsiness comes, with the mind cleared of whatever was buzzing in there. An hour lost from bed could very well be followed with a short but restful night's sleep.

Alcohol may help you to relax and go to sleep, but it is usually only short term, and the net result is less sleep overall. Most people find that taking nightcaps results in waking up at two or three in the morning, and an alcohol induced sleep is not usually a relaxed sleep.

With a troublesome sleep disorder a very first step might be a visit to your family doctor. There are also a lot of good books that offer suggestions on the subject of relaxation and sleep.

Being free of constant stress and worry during the day and evening is pretty well a necessity for happy living, and for a good night's sleep. So try to establish a program to reduce your anxieties in life.

Friday, July 4, 2008

26. Co-Operation

26. Co-Operation

Cooperation is an essential ingredient in the plan for a successful and satisfying life.

At work a good balance of friendliness with superiors, peers, and subordinates is very important. It can provide new opportunities as well as an increase in self-confidence and enjoyment of the workday. Cooperation is equally rewarding after hours with casual encounters, friends and family.

By listening and making an effort to see others' viewpoints, there will be less pressure to perform and tasks at hand will be made easier. Good results will come more naturally. We can hardly learn anything when we are speaking but when we are listening there is a good chance that we will hear something that will broaden our outlook and improve our knowledge. The other person will appreciate your attention and will be friendlier and also more receptive. Everyone should benefit.

"He will succeed if he remains firm in principle and goes beyond selfish considerations to mingle freely with those who do not share his feelings, as well as those who do." - I Ching

Easy on the criticism! When we criticize others, we make ourselves look bad. When we gossip we imitate the snake and gain just that kind of reputation. Do you trust someone who makes a habit of gossiping? The next time you are ready to criticize, pause for a minute and begin to consider the positives of the person or situation. Perhaps you will change your mind.

"If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others." - Duc de Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)

Be friendly and be interested to get ahead and to feel good about life

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


18. Anger

Most of us experience anger at one time or another. Others may get angry with us, justifiably or not. We may become angry at others, sometimes with very good reason, sometimes not. One thing is for sure, it is not a pleasant experience.

We cannot always reason with those that are bitter towards us and sometimes we may need to accept that it exists. To counteract this with retaliation is something that needs careful consideration.

"Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved." - Marcus Antonius

Perhaps we are guilty of hostility more than we would like to be. Greater interaction with people should reduce these feelings. Less anger should result in more confidence and less stress.

Is a discussion possible and is it worthwhile? A few words and an exchange of viewpoints might result in one or both sides having a change in attitude. Try to see another point of view no matter how unreasonable it appears.

Consider how you are feeling. It is common, perhaps good advice, to let anger be expressed, to not hold it inside. My personal experience is that sometimes I have regretted this because I was wrong or over reacted. Sometimes the anger still lingered. Avoiding anger in the first place, through conciliation or acceptance, can result in feeling better all around.

Hatred is a prolonged anger towards a fellow human. There are various forms of hatred, motivated in different ways, and mostly without cause. Prejudice, jealousy, gossip, bullying are hard to deal with. This is where friends can be a great help in trying to understand these harmful actions. They can offer comfort and foresight. Be a friend.

"Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

15. Appreciation

15. Appreciation

A better life has been achieved when we are no longer trying to achieve a better life. It means that we are content, as we should be, with ourselves and what we have. To be anxious for more or to envy someone else's life or possessions is self-defeating. We are then in a constant state of frustration, always hoping and waiting for more happiness.

So what is important? Enough, not more.

"Think of what you have rather than of what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them." - Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

There is, here and now, much to appreciate. There is life itself with friends, family, and everything that is naturally before us. We just have to look around and take it in. Perhaps it is time to make a list of all the good things we have to grateful for.

Are there people in your life that you would miss dearly if they were not here? When you go for a walk don't you see, hear, and smell, many things to appreciate and feel nice about? Like the flowers, trees, birds, and the clouds in the sky. A caterpillar crossing the sidewalk or your neighbor waving. A cute pup or child enthusiastically enjoying that moment in life.

"Whether in favor or in humiliation, be not dismayed. Let your eyes leisurely look at the flowers blooming and falling in your courtyard. Whether you leave or retain your position, take no care. Let your mind wander with the clouds folding and unfolding beyond the horizon." - Hung Tzu-ch'eng (1593-1665)

It just makes good sense to be satisfied and at peace with yourself and others, and to enjoy life now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

14. Kindness

14. Kindness

Kindness to others is usually a rewarding experience, both to the recipient and the giver. When we are kind to someone we do not need to be thanked since we are instantly rewarded.

"When you are good to others, you are best to yourself." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Doing a favor or showing understanding and compassion just feels good. To do so for praise or other benefit is more of a trade and does not have the same effect. To be kind without taking credit for it is a true unselfish act of goodness. Not only are we performing a kindness, but we are doing ourselves a big favor by reducing our stresses and improving our well being.

"The measure of a person's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." - Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859)

Many philosophers and others have stated this important relationship between our feelings toward others and the way we feel. By thinking of other people, we get our thoughts away from ourselves. This is particularly helpful if we find that we are too often occupied with self-pity, anger, or anxieties. It can work miracles.Charity is more than a tax deduction.

"If you lend money, it is uncertain whether you shall be repaid; but if you bestow alms, although they may be small, your return will be a hundred fold." - Saskya Pandita (1182-1251)

So do yourself a favor and be kind every day.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

12. Relaxation

12. Relaxation

Practicing relaxation techniques can help calm our days when they get too stressful. It's easy to miss out on enjoying a day in our life if our minds are filled with worrisome thoughts and our bodies are tense with stress. A day lived is not coming back and we should not lose it in this way.

For starters, eliminate some things. Avoid running around frantically trying to do too many things. Slow down and move with an easy manner.

If you cannot avoid problems and busy days, get in the habit of pausing to breathe slowly and deeply. Try to continue with easy breathing as you continue on with your tasks.

When tightening up, say at your desk, relax all your muscles. Let them go limp and loose like a soft towel. Don't try, just let it all go. Consciously let the muscles relax every time you feel them tighten, which might be all day long to start with. It is almost impossible to feel stressed if your muscles are relaxed.

If you can get a short break create a detailed peaceful retreat in your imagination and go there to calm your feelings. Picture it in vivid detail. Perhaps a comfortable room with soft music, a quiet place in the woods, a placid lake, a beautiful garden with flowers, trees, birds. Perhaps such a place already exists. While you are there, let go of everything except where you are.

Create a personal selection of calming words like serene, tranquil, peaceful and repeat them to yourself as you move through your day.

After work perhaps you can have a relaxing pastime such as walking or listening to music.

"There is however, a true music of nature - the song of the birds, the whisper of leaves, the ripple of waters upon a sandy shore, the wail of wind or sea." - John Lubbock (1834-1913)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


11. Confidemce

Have you often admired the person who is friendly, relaxed and talks easily in a crowd? Most of us have wished that we had more of these outgoing attributes to help us in our work and daily lives.Confidence comes easily and naturally for some, for many others it seems impossible. The good news is that it is a habit that can be learned to some degree by anyone. It will take some training and practice, but what a great way to be more successful and to feel better.

"The control of the thinking machine is perfectly possible. And since nothing whatever happens to us outside our own brain; since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within the brain, the supreme importance of being able to control what goes on in that mysterious brain is patent. Without the power to dictate to the brain its task and to ensure obedience - true life is impossible." - Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)

A great source for learning self-confidence is of course books. You haven't been alone in the need for information on improving your ability to interact positively with people and there are numerous self-help books available to get you started. Just take an easy approach and read a variety of the best sellers that you feel will benefit you the most.

Using autosuggestion, by repeatedly filling the mind with thoughts of calmness and composure, can improve self-assurance. Picture in your mind, as vividly as possible, a scene in which you are performing very successfully. Picture this again and again so that your mind is totally occupied with your easy performance. This will push out doubt as there is not room for both trains of thought. Every time a negative thought pops up, immediately replace it with positive thoughts.

Affirmations are a similar technique that can work wonders. This is the repeating of positive words about yourself, concerning what you wish to do. The words cram the mind with confident thoughts that have a direct effect on how you feel and act. As an example, if you have to make a presentation - ' I have nothing to lose. They like me and I feel good and comfortable with these people. I am concentrating on them, not on myself. They are not here to be critical of me. I am doing everything slowly, calmly, surely. I am relaxed and breathing deeply and easily. I feel confident about this and am in control.

'"They can because they think they can." - Vergil (BC)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The feeling of despair and hopelessness may seem very appropriate and particular to your situation, but you should know that others have been there and have suffered similar or worse experiences. They have survived to enjoy life and so will you.

"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival." - Winston Churchill.

All things pass, have they not always before? To counteract the feeling of hopelessness, list those assets and pleasures which you have but seem to be ignoring. Perhaps some of these words will turn your thoughts: family, friends, health, job, home, nature, pets, garden, music, faith, books. Start thinking about the nice things in your life, things you value and make you happy. Leave the negatives behind. "Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies." - Erich Fromm.

The feeling of guilt often results in despair and depression. We should think about the wrong we have done, but just long enough to realize the full extent of what we did. If there is something that can be done about it, consider doing it. The only other thing that we can do is to assure ourselves that we will avoid that mistake in the future. Beyond this, stewing over it and rehashing the event endlessly, will do no good. It is a complete waste of time and makes us feel sick with worry.

Avoid experiences that result in guilt by not judging, blaming, or bringing down other people. Try to find their good points, and try to avoid anger. Be nice to yourself too, accept that you make mistakes, and don't hold a grudge.

One of the best ways to recover from despair, guilt, or sorrow, is to keep busy.

"When all else is lost the future still remains." - Christian Bovee (1820-1904

Monday, June 16, 2008



Our lives are only as good as we decide to make them. As with any worthwhile project we should make short and long range plans. We should follow them through, reviewing and altering them as we go. It is our design and determination that decide our destiny, and this is our responsibility.

When things go wrong we should not be quick to blame anyone. This can easily become a habit supplying us with ready excuses for our own mistakes and problems. Let's examine others' and our own actions and then decide how we should proceed with our own efforts.

"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." - Thomas Kempis (1380-1471)

We should make a special effort to be what we want to be, giving consideration to what others might wish of us. We must do our duties, complete our tasks, be kind and honest. When there is the temptation for an immediate pleasure that may be harmful to us or to others, we must resist. Where there are injustices we should speak up.

"It is not alone what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." - Moliere (1622-1673)

We are individuals and should do what we believe in, taking responsibility for our actions. A good critical look at ourselves is very helpful in determining what needs changing. It may also reveal much good to be proud of.

Not in the clamor of the crowded street,Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng,But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.- Henry Longfellow (1807-1882)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


When faced with a serious problem the first thing we can do is determine if there is a way to fix it. If there is a way then we can lay out a plan and go to it. If there is not a reasonable solution then we can resign ourselves to the fact that it isn't going to change and move on. Acceptance of the situation can provide some immediate relief from the anger, anxiety and stress that might be burdening us.

Why wouldn't you accept it, if it does not have a solution? Rehashing it over and over in your mind will not make it disappear and is just self punishment. The Serenity Prayer as used by the Alcoholics Anonymous organization puts it in this way.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Most of our worries are about something that has happened and is still with us, real or perhaps only as a memory. If it has already happened, what can be learned? It is the experience of struggling, surviving and carrying on, that makes us better humans.

How often have you worried intensely over something that turned out to be not as bad as you initially thought, or not a problem at all? Even some of our most serious personal problems often fade away in a month or year.

Acceptance is an important ingredient in the formula of life. It makes an irritating situation acceptable, a major problem minor. Acceptance should be waiting to take over whenever there is not a way out.

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about the things which are beyond the power of the will." - Epictetus (55-135)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


7. Future

Our vision for the future might hold one of these two possibilities. We could be dreaming about some enjoyment that hopefully lies ahead, or worried about some looming hardship.Often the enjoyment in our lives is put on hold, we just need more time and money. We just have to work a little harder. Too many things can go wrong with this and we may not be able to do it later for various reasons. If we put off our enjoyment of life until later, it may take longer than we think, or it may never happen the way that we envisioned it.We should not throw away our precious todays in anticipation of good times, not when we can have days of enjoyment and satisfaction now. Perhaps it's time for an examination of our style of life and our wants and needs, now and for the future. It is good to imagine a happy future and make plans for it but we should not put off the happiness we can have today. So why not live each day as if the future plans may not materialize.

"We are never living, but only hoping to live; and, looking forward always to being happy, it is inevitable that we never are so." - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Worrying over something that is going to happen will make our lives stressful and less happy.After examining an upcoming difficult or seemingly disastrous situation, if there is something that can be done to improve on it, do it. If not, and the event cannot or should not be avoided, then accept the fact and start thinking about something else. Worrying about it will not only be a total waste of time but it will increase anxiety, and things will seem even worse than they really are.

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly." Buddha (BC)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Today (Present)

Have we ever asked a question openly thatAre we living for that moment or minute? Mostly the answer would come straight not yet. The reason being was our lives, values and Ethics are based on either the past or Future but never on Present day.

We never attempt to learn from the present minute but assure ourself either from past or future. Thus by accepting this neither we live in past nor future.

Focus on presentday scenario of life andtry to grab each minute of it.

At the end of today, if it has been preoccupied with thoughts of enjoyment that might be coming, we will find that we have lost something valuable that will be gone forever. Today!

In hoping to be happy about something in the future, instead of being happy right now, we are missing out. We often want more time, more money for that new purchase, a better job, better health. The list may be long.

This is such a waste because there are probably many things to feel really good about each day. Unfortunately we are encouraged to dwell on things that we have yet to acquire. If we were bombarded with daily reminders of how lucky we are and how much we have to be happy about, we would retire at night with wonderful days behind us.

"No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy the sunlight today, mix good cheer with friends today, then enjoy it and bless God for it. Do not look back on happiness or dream of it in the future. You are only sure of today; do not let yourself be cheated of it." - Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1878)

Our day should be free of other stresses and worries. An analysis of a bad event that has happened, or may happen, can be worthwhile in determining a course of action. Beyond that, to continue worrying about it is a completely useless waste of time and is harmful to our health. Worry does not help the future experience and could make it worse, and the past cannot be changed.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could, some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

So enjoy yourself today because it is not coming back.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

5. Gaze of PAST

5. Past

Being Human beings and scientifically evolved species though we make tall claims, still we suffer n indecision and illogical activties and ideaology.
Most of us dwell in past thoughts and dig through past mistakes to make a report like that of a post-mortem report.

We all make mistakes. Sometimes they are very bad and cause ourselves and others much worry and suffering. We can be depressed and burdened with regret for many years, never forgiving ourselves, never forgetting our actions. Carrying on in this way is another big mistake, disturbing our lives in very unpleasant and painful ways.

It is not necessary. Worrying about something that has already happened is a complete waste of time if you just keep wishing that it hadn't happened. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it.

"We ought not to look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear-brought experience." - George Washington (1732-1779)

Perhaps there is some way to make amends and that should still be a consideration. If not then regard it as a learning experience. Review what has happened enough to draw conclusions about what to do, and what not do, in the future. But then forget the stupid or bad thing you did and start thinking about something else.

Negative thoughts about the past will keep coming back again and again unless there are other thoughts occupying your mind. Begin feeding your brain with encouraging and fun ideas especially when that 'thing' from the past returns. Be generous, kind and forgiving to others and yourself.

"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell

You no longer have yesterday; you only have today and tomorrows.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


4. Thoughts

Life is thought, and when we cease to think, we are not living. How we think, is the kind of life we live. Since we are able to control our thoughts, we can determine the course of our life and the way we feel during our time here.

"We are what we think." - Buddha (BC)

It is very important to establish good thinking guidelines and follow them. Placing thoughts of peace and happiness in our minds will help to make our lives peaceful and happy. If we do not set our thoughts properly, we travel through life by way of places where we will wish we had not gone.

"It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor." - Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)

Our daily life includes thoughts associated with responsibilities concerning work, other people, and handling problems. If possible, try not to think of too many different things during your day, and don't move or think too quickly. Start your morning with a plan to come through to bedtime relaxed, contented, and ready for a restful night's sleep.

"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission." - Arnold Bennett (1867-1932)

Reflect about things that can improve your feelings - learning, completing tasks and duties, pleasant and relaxing experiences, kind words. Think about your happiness, goals, life and its pleasures, your principles and your conduct. Think about enjoying the moment.

"Garner up pleasant thoughts in your mind, for pleasant thoughts make pleasant lives." - John Wilkins (1614-1672)

What are you thinking about?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


3. Attitude:
We all face situations in our lives that cannot be changed and that make us feel helpless and hopeless. Perhaps it is less serious than that, but we are stressed and worried. It might be an event that has happened, is happening, or will happen.

It should provide some immediate comfort to consider that these situations do not directly cause these awful feelings, but it is what we think of these situations. Changing our thoughts can have an enormous effect on how we are feeling. This has been stated by many great minds, over very many years.

"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet." - Ancient Persian Saying

By reviewing some of the good things in our lives, past and present, we can feel good even in what appears to be a very disturbing situation. As long as there is nothing we can do to fix a problem, dwelling on the negative aspects of it will only make us feel worse and will do absolutely no good. Since it all depends on what is in our thoughts, we can control this.

"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." - John Milton (1608-1674)

So start listing the things in your life that make or have made you happy. Stuff your mind with other things that make you smile or laugh. Keep it up so as not to let the negative creep back in.

Study babies. They fall and get up and try again and again, and then they walk. They are usually always ready to laugh, at the littlest things. They are constantly interested in new things to learn about, and normally sleep well. If they brood about a bad experience it's not for long.

Hence, Attitude is everything one needs ever.
If we consider A-Z as 1-26 and then add up the letters with corresponding number
KNOWLEDGE adds to a total of 96
to a total of 98
to a grand total of 100

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out." - Art Linkletter

Monday, June 9, 2008


2. Purpose:

Many of us at one time or another have wondered what we are doing here. This can be both at times when we are having hectic, stress filled days, or at a standstill in a fog of boredom. We have temporarily lost sight of our purpose.

On average, the hours we work constitute a relatively small portion of our life and should not control our well being. If you are too tired or do not have enough time to do anything after hours, then your daily routine may be out of balance and may need to be adjusted. Your work may be too difficult or unsuitable, or you may need to change your routine. Perhaps a simpler lifestyle would change your focus on your work and life in general.

To obtain a healthy purpose in our lives we need a good balance of our time for work, goals, recreation, and relaxation. The daily routine should be examined, a plan established, and then it should be followed.

We can make good use of our time away from work to increase our knowledge of things and life, to work at a hobby or project, and to just relax. There may not be much room to maneuver, say if you are a working single parent, but perhaps a few hours can be found during your hectic week to do something that you want to do.

Most of us use only a small percentage of our capabilities and can do so much more. Learning new things gives us a feeling of achievement. Reading nonfiction books increases our knowledge and teaches us new skills, but it should be enjoyable. In undertaking a new after hours project do something different from what you do all day at work. Start with something small and complete it, so as not to get discouraged and to get a feeling of achievement when it is done.

If you are too busy and under a lot of stress, a more passive and relaxing undertaking might be in order, at least to start with. A day a week, or a few hours on certain days, should be set aside for your favorite enjoyment. Walking, listening to nice music, reading a novel, or leisurely working in the yard. Avoid news or entertainment that is saturated with disasters and violence. But whatever you do, don't sit and stew.

"When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind." - Seneca

Sunday, June 8, 2008


1. Life:

Life s not what you think but t's what you are!

"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." - Scottish Proverb

Everyone says, "How the time flies." The days go by and they are years, and the years finally become our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted, or it can be a pleasure, before it is gone forever. If a bedtime review of the day concludes that we were too stressed, too busy, didn't accomplish anything, didn't have any fun, then it has been another lost piece of precious life.

Perhaps we are putting off our enjoyment until we have more time, or money, or some other improved condition. The trouble with that is that it might never happen, or it may be too long in coming. It's so important to accept this time, this very minute, as something of tremendous value that will very soon be gone forever. There are many ways to ensure that we make the best of our time here on earth.

In our daily routine let's include time to enjoy others and thus ourselves. Look and wonder at the trees, fields and mountains, smell the flowers, hear the birds, and watch the clouds in the sky.

"This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it." - Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

Face your problems bravely, confidently, and improve on your situation, no matter what state it be in. Be good to feel good. Be active and improve your mind. Laugh, relax, and sleep well.

Life is mostly froth and bubble;Two things stand like stone:

Kindness in another's trouble,

Courage in our own. - Adam Gordon (1833-1870)

Saturday, June 7, 2008


32 Keys

what are the 32 keys for life?

1. Life
2. Purpose
3. Attitude
4. Thoughts
5. Past
6. Today (Present)
7. Future
8. Acceptance
9. Responsbility
10. Despair
12. Relaxation
13. Fear
14. Kindness
15. Appreciation
16. Faith
17. Happiness
18. Anger
19. Values
20. Stress
21. Problems
22. Revenge
23. Friendship
24. Love
25. Self-Esteem
26. Cooperation
27. Sleep
28. Worry
29. Cheerfulness
30. Humlity
31. Health
32. Meditation

Friday, June 6, 2008

32 KEYS : A collection of Ideas about Life


There are many common mental problems that can plague our every day lives, making us unhappy and sick. Worry, stress, anger, fear, depression, insomnia, self-doubt, nervousness are some of the worse. Since each day lost to these ills cannot be replaced, we ought to be doing something about it.While we should always consult a medical professional when we have physical or mental problems, there are often many ways that we can help ourselves to a better life.In the area of self-help there is much to draw upon when looking for ways to improve our lives. Many ideas have been written by great thinkers of the past and best-selling authors of today. Often words written two thousand years ago are more effective than words written today, perhaps because they have withstood the test of time.

These ideas are easy enough to understand, but more difficult to practice. But it just takes practice. A good place to start is the self-help or self-improvement section of your public library or bookstore. If you think that this is an odd place in which to be seen, think again. There are very many big selling self-help titles to choose from. These books are popular reading.

Start with the most popular books on various self-help topics. Reread the better ones, highlight the best phrases, and take notes. Set aside fifteen minutes a day to help make good thinking and happy, satisfied feelings a way of life. It could be the best time investment you ever made.

"All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience." - Johann von Goethe (1749-1832)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Late but Happy

I felt lonely first time when my Mother left Me in December 2007. I was in hope that some means she'll give me some message in any form after understanding my attachment with her.
Making me Happy she contacted my Guruji in meditation and answered many questions that were in my mind since longtime but keping silent as they might hurt her approach of the world.

When I was down emotionally in April and I wanted to have a word with her but my Guruji asked for time. Later I forgot it entirely.
On 3rd June 2008 being Vaisakha amavasya, I offered her the monthly rituals and performed the pooja full pledged. The nextday early morning She gave me Swapna darshan and asked me some questions, but i was stupid and just listened to her.
Thus she fulfilled my desire.

Why I was writing this not to say that I'm one with attachment in spiritual, but whatever we pray them for will be fulfilled when and where they feel it right but not on our wish.

Thanking my Holy mother and Devoting to my Gurudev's feet, without whom I may be a past and thanking one woman who taught me turnaround in my life( I might provide details of this woman and my attachment when it comes)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Byronic Unhappiness

Byronic Unhappiness

“Where our thoughts and Opinions live, there we Dwell”
By understanding one’s life style, we can find the solution very easily but we never intend to do so in this manic world.
When a tired husband returns from the office, as soon as he relaxes after washing face, his wife with hot beverage sits before him. He tries to offload his daily transactions in the office trying to relax mentally, but wife invariantly puts a comma to that by saying she got some work in Kitchen. So thoughts of sharing views with Wife were evaporated for Mr.Husband and he will get mood off and stick to Idiot box.

After all daily chores the wife enters the private room Bedroom. Intimately he took her and started to feel her. But she starts all the issues with milkman, serials and maid, gossips she heard in that day and child education. Though it’s untimely discussion , she never puts an end to it. By the time she turns towards him, and found that he already slept. This was not story but the truth in many lives daily.

Each minute, mostly woman feel insecure about their role and place. Hence they try to express with various actions. They do not find interest in anything, cannot express views clearly, dual hearted and never consider others feelings with sense and sensibility and even cannot appreciate with love and compassion.

If you peep in to this family, you find no problem apparently at macro level. But lost happiness in family life will increase boredom, short temper. This will lead the Gentlemean to search for some opposite sex (female) at work level or outside.

Even if this gentleman got the same type of woman for whom he searched through, he never feel happiness again, the reason being is simple and clear, the sense of guilty. And this so called society never appreciates his feelings and considers his attachment as extramarital affair.
Hence we cannot live in a space in which we cannot express our views and ideaology. Though we live but just like deadened

Conquest of Happiness

Conquest of Happiness

One has to understand the difference between the Comfort and Happiness.

The tragedy of Present day Human Life is, in the mindst of increasing comforts man is finding decreasing Happiness.

Reasons for developing Discomforts:

» Byronic unhappiness
» Competition
» Boredom and Excitement
» Fatigue
» Envy
» The Sense of Sin
» Persecution Mania
» Fear of Public Opinion

The explanation follows daily...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Is Happiness virtual or reality?

It’s been quite uneasy for me these days while I listen to people saying that they were not happy with their life.

I do not have that much time to listen to everyone’s issue and guide them to track back. If ever I get that time I’m happy doing so.

Why I do this, not for money, not for fame but as a responsibility being born as Human.

I found it’s very easy to say we’re unhappy but any time have we tried to find why we’re unhappy. I hope most of the people never did this because we’re afraid of ourselves, our thoughts, ideas, feelings,relations and even actions.

We might express our thoughts so expressly exactly oppositely what we feel inside our heart.

We never found the Happiness because it’s with us but not visible. We try to buy the expensive gift for our beloved to show how much we love them. But have we really love them? I doubt. We do all this gifts and others to show public not to our heart.

The tragedy of Present day Human Life is, in the mindst of increasing comforts man is finding decreasing Happiness.

I have seen people who told me they were in search of peace and happiness, out of spiritual inclination I advised them some remedies but they were failed as these people were interested in only expressing the cause ,trials of finding it and enjoying.

These issues made me to write a detailed article on Finding Happiness and living with it. For this I took permission from my Guru and the story line was from him Only.

I’ll focus more on topics like this depending your feedback and comments

Thanking you

Jai Gurudev

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Right Resolutions : Deeds

Right Resolutions: DEEDS

I shall approach every act that is assigned to me without any regard whether it is high or low, fitting or unfitting , worthy or unworthy.

I shall approach every task that is placed before me with a sacred feeling of divine trust and do it it with my whole-souled devotion.

When success and glory come to me, I shall with all sincerity and honesty of spirit lay them unto Him, Who is the source of all my strength.
I shall also remind myself that if it is He Who enables my limbs to function, my mind and brain to do their part, without Whose, aid there is no success in life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Right Resolutions : Words

Right Resolutions: Words

My words and greetings shall be good import and of good cheer, for I know when my thoughts are permeated with the noble principle of love, my words cannot help but express joyousness, sweetness and the truth which are the attributes of love.

If, perchance, someone provokes irritation, impatience or anger in me, I shall remind myself of their unreality and call myself to order with inner whisper---
Be thou calm!
Be thou patient!
Forget not thy resolution of Love!

If I cannot say a good, loving, cheerful or constructive word, I shall leave it unsaid.
If I cannot bring words of encouragement and inspiration, I shall remain silent.
If I am ignored and insulted, I shall learn to draw from it a holy lesson in humility.
I shall not let my tongue outrage me nor shall I brood over my impatient and unkind utterances and thus sink into moods of depression.
If, perchance, I blunder through forgetfulness and utter empty, impatient speech, I shall remind myself that with greater inner rhythm, in due time, all these frailties will vanish.

I shall form the habit of speaking cheerfully, to the point, and only of things of good import. If others speak to me harshly, I shall speak calmly or remain silent.
If anyone speaks with evil intent, I shall guard my tongue with fortitude and remind myself that truth is mightier than untruth and repeat:-
Truth is eternal,
Truth is my strength,
Truth is my safeguard,
Truth is ever triumphant,
I am armed with Truth.

I shall try to realize with calm spirit that truth is above all falsehood.
I shall not speak aught for self-glorification or in self-depreciation. I shall not speak aught against any living being and I shall try as much as possible not to listen to any ill report, knowing that such things always leave unhappy shadows.

I shall bring an atmosphere of truth, sanctity and beauty of speech, always reminding myself that if my heart is filled with divine3and noble instincts of love my mouth will be incapable of uttering aught that is unrhythmic and unlyrical.
May, He Who is the power for all good things make my words rhythmic, true, helpful and happy

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Resolutions: Thoughts

Right Resolutions: Thoughts

First of all, I shall with all my might, make my thoughts free of all other elements that are not pure and unalloyed Love।

This task I know in my heart of hearts is most difficult, as there are people, places and occasions which may provoke unloving thoughts, but I shall cling with all my might to this principle reminding myself forcibly that:

Love is greater than Hate,
Love is greater than Doubt,
Love is greater than Fear,
Love is greater than Anger,
Love is greater than Impatience,
Love is greater than Self pity,
Love is greater than all morbid feelings,
Love is greater than Depression,
Love is greater than all the afflictions of body and mind.

I shall therefore with solemn resolution try to shut out all other thoughts, images and impressions which provoke anything but love in my heart.

I shall not allow discouragement and depression to come upon me in my struggle to establish myself in this divine rhythm.

If, perchance, my purpose is overshadowed at any time by momentary gloom, doubt or dejection, I shall start again with renewed faith and hop and call out with yearning spirit to the Supreme Power to re-establish me in my resolution.

My first objective shall always be to bind myself with such thoughts of lovingness that every corner and every pillar and post of my mental life be well founded, leaving no place for the onslaught of any alien influence. I shall do this devoutly, earnestly, with my whole hearted and one-pointed devotion.

I shall unite my whole being for this purpose, for I know unless I can have the absolute co-operation of my entire being, I cannot achieve success in this my noble venture.

I shall be silent, calm, contemplative and indrawn that all my faculties may be co-ordinated, established, rhythmic and resolute.

May the supreme power who makes all things possible unto me, protect me against myself that I may never become conscious of my self-importance and my own achievements, but may ever remain a humble, rhythmic, flexible and dependable instrument in HIS hands.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Right Resolutions

We all aware that we are human beings and are abide by certain resolutions and rights. But everywhere and everytime we had conflict with rights and obligations and mostly difficult to come out of these.

It's rare for one who never concentrates on these issues and if one, becomes peculiar in this society.

I like to go through my understanding of these with higher plain attitudes and admirable personalities

Right Resolutions
I shall begin this day with the resolution that I may in every way make myself an open channel for God’s love to manifest through me.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that no matter whatsoever obstacles may arise before me, I shall try in every way through my thought, word and deed to overcome them.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that I may not hurt any living being with my thought, word or deed.
I shall begin this day with the resolution that all my thoughts, words and deeds be constructive, helpful and productive of great good.
I shall begin this day with the consciousness that I am a distinct part of that One Who is all wise, all powerful and all loving.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I was awaken from deep at around 3.0am and quite disturbed and un noticingly it was pinching the desire unknown.
I tried to overcome for more than an hour but unable to do so.
I even sat for meditation hoping that reveal and heal the patch i lost, but My efforts were in vain.
Slowly it started headache and heavy body pains.
Interestingly i was able to see some images but certainly not dreaming.
I was with my Samiji at his Lotus feet and he's teaching my the subject that I never asked for, i.e "the art of Pursuance"

I spent approxiamately a hour and half with him and slowly went to sleep.

Is this final signal i'm receiving for the teaching pursuance to those of need and correct the world if satisfied. or is it time to test my ability in this art.
All questions left again to him only.

Jai Gurudev

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm very thought provoking and inspirative personality in the view of my friends.
From my end I feel I'm more easy going and submissive to the feet of My Gurudev none other.
Though I accept all types in course of my life travel I do have sometimes emotionally breakouts but because of My Guruji's blessings, I'll be normal in no moment.

Today I had a dream..
I'm wandering through thick forests but duly understandable that with quest. But quest for what??
For a life that never seen ..
For a person who can lead me in the sadhana marg further..
For a partner with whom all my hopes and plans flourish and cherish..

Sarve jana Sukhinobavanthu