Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Faces of Lord Shiva



Ishaana is the northeast face that is pointing towards the sky. With this face Shiva controls all forms of knowledge, physical appearance, creation etc.


Thathpurusa is the eastern face of Shiva. Through this face he controls the human ego and the activities on the earth plane.


Aghora is the southern face. Through this face he controls the right-brain, emotions, dreams, heart and other realities.

Vama Deva:

Vama Deva is the northern face of Shiva. With the northern face he controls left-brain, logical thinking, speech, wealth, desire, sex etc.

Sadhyo Jata:

Sadhyo Jata is the western face of Shiva. He controls the occipital lobes in the brain, intuitive powers and ability to do things instantaneously.

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