Monday, April 22, 2013

Brain Behind Sexual Abuse

The Brain behind sexual abuse

Sexual addiction is a psychological condition in which an individual has an inability in managing his or her sexual behavior . Some sexologists prefer to call the condition sexual dependency or sexual compulsivity . The existence of the condition is not universally accepted and its etiology, nature and validity is the subject of continuing debate. Proponents of the concept have offered varying descriptions and models of the putative condition. Some proponents offer an addiction model, which they define by analogy to substance addiction ; while others offer lack-of-control models, which refer to it as sexual compulsivity and offer definitions based on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Compulsive sexual behavior — sometimes called hypersexuality, hypersexual disorder, nymphomania or sexual addiction — is an obsession with sexual thoughts, feelings or behaviors that affects your health, job, relationships or other parts of your life.

Compulsive sexual behavior may involve a normally enjoyable sexual experience that becomes an obsession. Or compulsive sexual behavior may involve fantasies or activities outside the bounds of culturally, legally or morally accepted sexual behavior.

No matter what it's called or the exact nature of the behavior, untreated compulsive sexual behavior can damage your self-esteem, relationships, career and other people. But with treatment and self-help, you can manage compulsive sexual behavior and keep your urges in check.

Sexual obsession Symptom
Symptoms : Compulsive sexual behavior may consist of generally acceptable sexual acts taken to an extreme. These behaviors become problems when they become an obsession that's disruptive or harmful to you or others.
Other compulsive sexual behaviors are outside the bounds of commonly accepted conduct. Called paraphilias, these behaviors range from compulsive cross-dressing to having sexual desires toward children (pedophilia).
Compulsive sexual behavior symptoms vary in type and severity. Some signs that you may be struggling with compulsive sexual behavior include:
  • Your sexual impulses are intense and feel as if they're beyond your control.
  • Even though you feel driven to do certain sexual behaviors, you may or may not find the activity a source of pleasure or satisfaction.
  • You use compulsive sexual behavior as an escape from other problems, such as loneliness, depression, anxiety or stress.
  • You continue do risky sexual behaviors despite serious consequences, such as the potential for getting or giving someone else a sexually transmitted infection, the loss of important relationships, trouble at work, or legal problems.
  • You have trouble establishing and maintaining emotional closeness, even if you're married or in a committed relationship.
  • When to see a doctorGet help if you feel like you've lost control of your sexual behavior, especially if your behavior causes problems for you or for other people. Compulsive sexual behavior tends to become more intense and difficult to control over time, so get help when you first recognize there may be a problem. Efforts to use sheer willpower to resist sexual compulsions may not succeed because the urges can be so powerful.
    Here are some questions to ask yourself as you decide whether to seek professional help:
  • Can I control my sexual impulses?
  • Is my sexual behavior hurting my relationships, affecting my work or resulting in negative consequences, such as getting arrested?
  • Is sex constantly on my mind, even when I don't want to think about it?
  • Do I try to hide my sexual behavior?
  • Seek treatment right awaySeek immediate treatment if:
  • You think you may cause harm with uncontrolled sexual behavior
  • You have bipolar disorder or other problems with impulse control, and you feel like your sexual behavior is slipping out of control
  • You are suicidal

  • Sexual obsession Cause
    Causes : It's unclear what causes compulsive sexual behavior. Causes may include:
  • An imbalance of natural brain chemicals. High levels of certain chemicals in your brain (neurotransmitters) such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine may be related to compulsive sexual behavior. These brain chemicals also help regulate your mood.
  • Sex hormone levels. Androgens are sex hormones that occur naturally in both men and women. Although androgens also have a vital role in sexual desire, it's not clear exactly how they're related to compulsive sexual behavior.
  • Conditions that affect the brain. Certain diseases or health problems may cause damage to parts of the brain that affect sexual behavior. Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Huntington's disease and dementia have all been associated with compulsive sexual behavior. In addition, treatment of Parkinson's disease with some dopamine agonist medications may cause compulsive sexual behavior.
  • Changes in brain pathways. Compulsive sexual behavior is an addiction that over time might actually cause changes in the brain's neural circuits — the network of nerves that allows brain cells to communicate with one another. These changes may cause pleasant reactions by engaging in sexual behavior and unpleasant reactions when the behavior is stopped.
     Sexual obsession Risk
    Risk factors : Compulsive sexual behavior can occur in both men and women, though it's more common in men. It can also affect anyone regardless of sexual preference — whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.
    Compulsive sexual behavior often occurs in people who have:
  • Alcohol or drug abuse problems
  • Another psychological condition, such as a mood disorder, impulse control disorder or mental health problem, such as a gambling addiction
  • A history of physical or sexual abuse
  • There's a broad range of sexual activities that can be warning signs of compulsive sexual behavior. Examples include:
  • Having multiple sexual partners or extramarital affairs
  • Having sex with anonymous partners or prostitutes
  • Avoiding emotional involvement in sexual relationships
  • Using commercial phone sex conversations for gratification
  • Visiting sexually explicit Internet sites or services
  • Engaging in excessive masturbation
  • Frequently using pornographic materials
  • Engaging in masochistic or sadistic sex
  • Exhibitionism
  • Having a fixation on an unattainable sex partner
    Sexual obsession Diagnosis
    Tests and diagnosis : Your doctor, psychiatrist or other mental health provider will do a psychological evaluation, which may involve answering a number of questions about:
  • Your physical and mental health as well as your overall emotional well-being
  • Your sexual thoughts, behaviors and compulsions
  • Your use of drugs and alcohol
  • Your family, relationships and social situation
  • Your mental health provider may also request input from family and friends.
    How compulsive sexual behavior is diagnosedThere's an ongoing debate in the psychiatric community about exactly how to define compulsive sexual behavior, because it's not always easy to determine when normal sexual behavior crosses the line into problem sexual behavior. Currently, mental health providers use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) — a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association — as a guide for diagnosing mental health problems.
    Because compulsive sexual behavior doesn't have its own diagnostic category in the DSM, it's often diagnosed as a subcategory of another mental health condition. In many cases, compulsive sexual behaviors are generally accepted sexual activities taken to an extreme. These may be diagnosed as a subcategory of another mental health condition, such as an impulse control disorder or an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    Diagnosis of sexual behavior as a paraphiliaThere are, however, diagnostic criteria for clearly unhealthy sexual behaviors called paraphilias. Paraphilias are behaviors that are generally considered harmful or socially unacceptable or are illegal. Diagnostic categories for paraphilias include:
  • Exhibitionism, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving the exposure of your genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.
  • Fetishism, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving the use of objects of some kind, such as women's underwear.
  • Frotteurism, sexual urges or behaviors involving touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person.
  • Pedophilia, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with a child or children.
  • Sexual masochism, sexually arousing fantasies, urges or behaviors involving being humiliated, beaten, bound or otherwise made to suffer.
  • Sexual sadism, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving acts in which the psychological or physical suffering, including humiliation, of the victim is sexually exciting.
  • Transvestic fetishism, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving cross-dressing in a heterosexual male. A person diagnosed with transvestic fetishism may also have gender dysphoria — discomfort with gender role or identity.
  • Voyeurism, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving the act of observing unsuspecting persons who are naked, in the process of disrobing or engaging in sexual activity.
  • Paraphilia not otherwise specified, sexually arousing fantasies that don't meet the criteria for any of the specific categories. Examples include sexual behaviors involving obscene phone calls (telephone scatologia), obsession with dead bodies (necrophilia), exclusive focus on a body part (partialism), animals (zoophilia), feces (coprophilia), enemas (klismaphilia) and urine (urophilia).
  • Whatever the nature of your compulsive sexual behavior, push past your fear, shame or embarrassment and seek a professional evaluation. Getting the right diagnosis can be a relief and can guide treatment that will get your life back on track and save you and the people you care about a lot of anguish.
    Sexual obsession Complication
    Complications : Compulsive sexual behavior can have numerous negative consequences that affect both you and others. You may:
  • Struggle with feelings of guilt, shame and low self-esteem
  • Develop other mental health conditions, such as depression, extreme stress and anxiety
  • Neglect or lie to your partner and family, taxing or destroying meaningful relationships
  • Accumulate financial debts purchasing pornography and sexual services
  • Contract HIV, hepatitis or another sexually transmitted infection, or pass a sexually transmitted infection to someone else
  • Engage in unhealthy substance use, such as drug or alcohol abuse
  • Be arrested for sexual offenses
  • Lose your focus or engage in sexual activity at work, risking your job
  • Face an unwanted pregnancy and its consequences

  • Test & Treatment
    Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy. Through sex therapy, you can address concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings and intimacy — either in individual therapy or in therapy with a partner. Sex therapy can be an effective resource for adults of any age, gender or sexual orientation.

    Sex therapy is usually provided by psychologists, physicians or licensed therapists who have special training in issues related to sex and relationships.

    Sex therapy is usually short term. The specific treatment plan depends on the issues to be addressed.
    ex therapy can help you resolve various sexual issues, from concerns about sexual function or feelings that affect your sex life to the way you relate to your partner. Through sex therapy, you may address:
  • Concerns about sexual desire or arousal
  • Concerns about sexual interests or sexual orientation
  • Compulsive sexual behavior
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculating too quickly (premature ejaculation)
  • Trouble reaching orgasm (anorgasmia)
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Intimacy issues related to a disability or chronic condition
  • Talking about sex and intimacy can feel awkward, whether you know why you're having a sexual issue or you're baffled by the problem. Remember, though, that sex therapists are trained to understand these reservations and to help identify and explore sexual issues. Through sex therapy, you'll learn to express yourself clearly and better understand your own sexual needs, as well as your partner's sexual needs.

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    Sarva Siddhi Prada devyai nama:

    I'm happy to update that our own site for financial consultancy will be up soon @
    This is the first step for the Baby "CHAITHRA".
    I intend to make this website as an ideal platform for all financial needs.

    All your suggestions will greatly appreciated.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    Politically unpolitical 6pack....

    It's too difficult to understand these politics but the way it seems is much more easy one can read about.

    1.Why the agenda of Kauvery issue on cards because of politics.
    The karnataka govt is not receiving enough aid from Central govt ruled by Congress, which is indirectly supported by Jayalalitha Govt.

    If Karnataka stops water to Tamilanadu which will ultimate pressurise the Centre, where PM already involved with dolodrum political situation, will aid Karnataka sufficiently releaze of funds thus the card of Kauvery water issue will be resolved.
    Any of the so called agitators or farmers getting benefit of this deal. God only knows....

    2. Though it is well know fact and accepted truth in Andhra dealings of Govt.lands associated with either SEZ's or APIIC been started since Chandrababu naidu but why neither Central Govt nor CBI or State govt start probing from that time all the three CM's CBN, YSR and Rosaiah from mis appropriate deals?
    Allahs no answer... and we can never get also

    3. When CBI and ED claimed thousands of Crore's accounting fraud for more than a year why it could able to attach only 16 crores, what happened to rest. Can CBI issue white paper on this?

    4. Though the 2G scam is bigger than this what happened till date in the probing? why not able to complete the case  and attach the properties of funds? Is CBI got enough staff only for Jagan and none available for other issues? (I'm not politically inclined person at all)

    5. What these politicians do with the money they loot from Indian public? will they eat all that up? never . They all simply made Swiss( Switzerland) the richest country alas with not much Industries and work force. As per wikileaks will we able to bring that blackmoney approx 198000 crores of Rajiv Gandhi or others. Can this Govt will do or any other govt will do it? 
    I doubt and hope it will never happen.
    Even if happens also it will be in black again with more number of people.

    6. When we could able to provide regularization schemes for house/building approvals, why it will not give a chance to convert these blackmoney to white with appropriate tax , which will boost Indian economy

    So dear learned minds think and change for better India.

    Sunday, October 7, 2012

    Points I never understood from Govt of India

    1. The Indian law allows all service provider companies to levy penalty if the bills were not paid by due date. Then why it never amend the law to pay to customer the penalty in case of inefficient services provided by same firm or delay in completing the transaction For eg: Bag it today immediately takes the payment from your account when you give your credit/debit card or bank details for any product you want buy, but when they realize that product no longer in inventory, they will refund your money only after 14 days. It's quite unfair of the deal.

    2. Govt. of India collects service tax from all types of advisors for the services they provide to clients or customers. It's just loosing your own hard earned money by way ST to Govt because of double standard laws.
    The company charges the client and even the advisor too which is unknown to many clients.

    Hope some intelligent ignited minds work on this oneday

    Tuesday, July 24, 2012

    Words of Maitreya

    I’m not a philosopher. I’m not a man who has gone above my basic animal instincts, but neither have I lived in them nor in the philosophy. I’ve accepted my drawbacks as a sincere man.  I never say that these worldly pleasures are everything, nor can I say that philosophy is everything. I cannot say, just pray to the Lord and everything is all right either. But also I cannot say that no God exists because I don’t know. I cannot give logic to everything. But it does not mean I can never ask you to give up logic and reasoning. All this is essential for the human being. My academic education ended with the 10th grade. What I studied is from the library and from my life. Of course I have done some penance, but I cannot claim that it was everything. All this which I negated or affirmed becomes our life. All this is useful to the human life. We can give up nothing. All that which is really useful for the human being, I want the human being to be happy. As an evolved human being, I want you to know that these subjects individually cannot fulfill the needs of the human being. When they are all put together, then it can be done.  

    “Experience is a comb which a man gets when he becomes bald,” says Emerson.

    But I had a comb prior to my baldness, that’s why I wanted to give this comb to the fellow beings those have the hair. I want every human being to be happy on this earth, because it’s a beautiful planet. God never created problems; it is the stupid human being who creates it. That’s why I want you, all people, to enjoy the truth and fragrance of this beautiful nature. I have experienced that no scripture can fulfill your desires.

    These Communists and Socialists say the body is everything. They say if the people are given bread and butter they will be happy. They are the followers of Darwin, a great fool. He started saying that there was nothing on this earth, and then slowly the five elements took place. First, underwater creation started; a microorganism was born from fish, then fish became frog, then frog became monkey.  Finally, from monkey, this stupid man came out. And with this absolute development, nothing more can be done, Darwin says. And these Communists and Socialists say that all men are equal because they are developed to the maximum extent. No, every individual’s needs, feelings, and thoughts are totally different. 

    It may be that men are not equal in all respects, but they are equally men,” says Hugh Gaitskell.  

    All are not equally tall, so you want to make them equal height. You want to cut off their limbs. You cannot give numbers to the individual and count them like robots. They’re human beings, live beings. They have their emotional and psychological needs. So be careful. Never count them like sheep.

    Dr. Freud found some diseases which occurred in human beings that can never be cured by medicine, and from there, psychology started. His disciples, like Jung, built a big castle of psychology. They dove into the ocean of psychology, the human mind, and searched for the troubles and drawbacks of the human being. Why and what is happening to these people? That’s why they wanted to establish a good relation of human beings in this society. They felt that is the way to peace in this society. It is a good movement, but imagine, almost in every street of the United States, you can easily find one psychologist and they are treating thousands and thousands of patients. But still they could not reach a conclusion why could they not heal all the people.

    Then in 1913, Dr. Freud formed a society of psychiatrists, but his disciples Carl Gust Jung and Alfred Adler divided from him. They could not tune in with the philosophy of Dr. Freud, that’s why their own propagations are different. The world of psychologists could not come to any conclusion. And everyday a new theory is being proposed.

    Yes, for anything, there should be a proper gauge. If one proposes a kilogram as a standard gauge of an object and someone else says it’s a half gauge, how can we live together? For one man, one mile is not even one mile. It is not even half a mile. So how can we tune together? How can we live together in the society? We need to have a standard scale in the society. So for that, we should have an equal proper gauge for everyone. Take for example, one day I did not allow Bhairavi into the meditation room during her menses. Her feelings got hurt. She thinks that during her menses, a natural phenomenon is going on which cannot be stopped, and that shouldn’t prevent anyone from worshipping anywhere and anytime. In suppressed Indian culture, a woman is considered impure and cannot do so many things, such as enter a temple. One day, a woman told Bhairavi that God is angry at her during her menses, so that is why she couldn’t participate in the fire worship, and again Bhairavi was confused. So there is one scale that Bhairavi lives by, one scale that that woman lives by, and there is another scale in society. Me, I wanted to stay out of that situation and leave it up to the Absolute Scale. So I said, “Let’s ask our Guru, the Absolute Scale, and let him decide.” So I did, and he said Bhairavi is not allowed in the meditation room during her menses. As his servant, we cannot ask questions why, and there are so many scales which we don’t know about. To fulfill this, the subject of logic came out, but it was misused by the ancient Greeks. They started thinking “I’m here, that’s why I’m thinking,” or “I’m thinking, because of that, I’m here.” This is stupidity. The human being’s emotions and thoughts are the gauge for one’s truth, what they think is right.

    Truth is that all of this world is impermanent. There is only sorrow, and really no bliss in it. And as long as we’re holding on to it, we will be suffering. And unless we find the ultimate goal, which is not at all changing, it is truth in itself. We have to attain it, that’s what philosophy says. We never find the Upanishad rishis, the ancient seers, neglecting this body or negating it. They never escaped from this world, and they had families. They took up the responsibilities of their families. All this false thinking started from Buddha and Shankaracharya. They said that those who are totally indulged in the senses are not trying to find the absolute truth. These people neglected the total body and its needs, and spoke about the absolute reality. Your mind is the cause of the bondage and the freedom. Based on this, nobody is trying to come out of it. Following this false philosophy, so many people are stuck in this stage.

    That’s why I wrote an essay in this book called “Satyam Sivam Sundaram.” Certainly you can enjoy this life when you are in your senses, but you have to grow out of the senses. In another essay, “Righteous Thought and Perfect Talk,” I have shown you how proper thinking can lead you if this logic is extended to the maximum extent. I discussed about logic, so don’t question anything in these essays I did. Even this will pass away in that essay. One can then relax because everything is impermanent. “Stop Asking Questions.” That is another essay, questioning everything. “The Art of Distributing Happiness.” In this essay you will find the main spring from which all the happiness comes out. In another essay, “Not Too Much,” you can find the analysis of all that which I have told till now. “Russell’s Way,” is the big chapter in my book. He gave some analysis, but I changed it as per my time and society.
    All the people cannot go through all these experiences, and they cannot understand it all easily. That’s why I’m trying to help them come out of these limitations. If one can understand it and digest it, I hope that they will come out of all their sorrow. Listen to this story about King George VI’s wife, Queen Victoria Elizabeth, who went to Toronto in 1939. They distributed white flowers upon her arrival in all the hospitals.
    So many years later, Lotta Denca, a woman, went to Toronto in a taxi to see her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. The taxi driver was angry, and he was driving his car very fast. Lotta Denca told him to drive it slow, “It’s my son’s birthday, and I’m taking some gifts to him.”
    The driver said, “Today is my birthday too, but nobody gave me any gifts.” She looked at him and felt very bad, because nobody is there to look after him.
    Denca said, “You are exactly the same age as my son.”
    He said, “I’m born the same date as your son at St. Michael’s Hospital. On the same day, in the same hospital, my mother and you gave birth to your son and myself.”
     “Did you know about this?” she asked him.
    In a sorrowful face, he said, “I lost my mom in my childhood, and I don’t know anything about it.”
    She said to him, “Queen Victoria Elizabeth came and distributed white flowers to all of us. It was such a beautiful day.”
    Immediately he said, “Oh, I can remember that. My mother used to keep a dry, white flower in the bible. Maybe she kept it as her sweet memory.” That woman gave a gift of sweet memory to him, which he collected for his own son. He was happy.
    In this world there are so many people who are in pain, agony, and suffering. Just a sweet word, a smile, a small touch, and compassion in the eyes, if you show it to them, they will be happy. You don’t have to go through so many books for this. That’s what I wanted to say in this book, nothing else.
    The past American president, Abraham Lincoln, went to a small village and gave a lecture. A peasant came up to him and said, “Mr. Lincoln, I couldn’t understand all of what you said, but I liked it.”
    Lincoln started laughing, “Even my dog has the same problem. She wants to catch all the flies. Sometimes she catches them, but she cannot get all of them. You don’t have to be depressed about it. Whatever you can catch, is enough for you.”
    All those who read my book may not be able to understand all of what I wrote, but whatever they can catch is enough for me. I cannot claim that this book is complete and that it can reveal all the secrets of nature. It is my experience and I wanted to type it in my own words. If you can make use of it, I will be happy. If at all you cannot, then I wrote one essay in this book, “All This is Untrue,” and the truth is revealed. If you can make use of this book, and can attain some happiness, I will be the first one to be happy. If you find it’s all useless, and if you scold me or curse me, I will not be unhappy, because it has nothing to do with my happiness.  I am in my happiness, and no one can disturb it. I have learned the art of living.

    “Continuous work till you are tired and total control of your mind leads to realization on the intellectual level. When the love is in the heart, you surrender your ego, and no “I”-ness remains, all that makes us beautiful human beings. Be happy,” says Maitreya.

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    Best Careers For Your Zodiac Sign

    It does occur that some individuals do one job exceptionally and look like fools when they do other jobs. The horoscope has details to this reality. Every indication has features that allow them to do certain jobs in a beat and other jobs not so fantastically.
    CareerBuilder.Com have made a survey of near to 9,000 employees established that those born under Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, and Cancer are the most likely to generate over $100,000 per season. Sorry Capricorn and Aquarius, you people are most likely to generate under $35,000 per season. We will not all be wealthy, but we can discover fulfillment in our tasks, especially if we search for out ones that are congruent with our horoscope signs.
    More in-depth analysis of what the cosmos hold for your career, Wolf pinpoints the key traits, and best and worst careers for each sign, below.

    Aries (March 21 – April 19)
    Key traits: Enthusiasm, creativity, warmth — a short attention span. As a leader, you have great ideas but dislike getting mired in the tiny details.
    Best careers: Entrepreneur, sales, film/TV, stockbroker, military, rescue worker.
    Careers to avoid: Any mundane, detail-oriented desk jobs.
    Image credit : Getty Images by: CSA Images/ Color Printstock Collection

    Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
    Key traits: Determined, hard-working, loyal, stubborn. You enjoy accomplishing tasks from big to small.
    Best careers: Engineer, computer programmer, technician, administrative assistant.
    Careers to avoid: Any job that involves taking too much financial risk.

    Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
    Key traits: Quick-witted, clever, adaptable, indecisive. You multi-task well and get bored easily so it’s hard to focus on the same project for long periods of time.
    Best careers: Media, advertising, marketing, journalist/writer, delivery/driver.
    Careers to avoid: Serious or mundane jobs that are extremely detail-oriented.

    Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
    Key traits: Caring, intuitive, creative, persevering, moody. You love to support and nurture people but can feel burdened by this responsibility, too.
    Best careers: Real estate, interior design, psychologist, teacher, therapist (occupational, speech, etc)
    Careers to avoid: Isolating Jobs that involve constant oversight and no creativity.

    Leo (July 23 – August 22)
    Key traits: Confident, ambitious, creative, generous and domineering. You shine in careers that show off your dynamic personality.  Plus you need to be in charge of something.
    Best careers: Entrepreneur, entertainment, politics, public relations, maƮtre d.
    Careers to avoid: Any job where you are out of the spotlight.

    Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
    Key traits: Detail-oriented, analytical, hard-working, yet fussy. You love to cross things off your to-do list.
    Best careers: Editor, accountant, engineering, graphic design, florist.
    Careers to avoid: Jobs that deal with a variety of people, who may not be as fastidious and perfectionist as you.
    Libra (September 23 – October 22)
    Key traits: Diplomatic, artistic, intelligent yet prone to indecision. Because you are graceful under pressure, you work best in partnerships with other people.
    Best careers: Architect, designer, lawyer, counselor, behind-the-scenes in the arts.
    Careers to avoid: Conventional jobs that lack creativity and independence of mind.

    Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
    Key traits: Dynamic, creative, resourceful, strong willed. Outspoken and self-starting, you can only work in a career that you feel very passionate about.
    Best careers: Psychologist, designer, law, humanitarian organizations or charitable foundations.
    Careers to avoid: Anything you perceive as shallow or materialistic.

    Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
    Key traits: Philosophical, optimistic, straightforward. You enjoy your freedoms of movement and self-expression and do best working in a field that allows you both.
    Best careers: Entrepreneur, airline pilot, sports industry, police officer, flight attendant.
    Careers to avoid: Any full-time desk job.

    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
    Key traits: Ambitious, resourceful, patient and authoritarian. Driven and competitive, any project you take on, you’ll do what ever it takes to be the best.
    Best careers: Finance, business development/management, doctor, trainer.
    Careers to avoid: A financially risky job or a career where there is no room for advancement.

    Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
    Key traits: Analytical, clever, inventive, and obstinate. Friendly and autonomous, you get along with most people, yet you have no problems voicing a divergent opinion.
    Best careers: Apps developer, veterinarian, scientist, engineer, alternative care practitioner.
    Careers to avoid: Any conventional job that discourages independent thinking or differing opinions.

    Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
    Key traits: Compassionate, intuitive, flexible and overly sensitive. A visionary like Albert Einstein and Dr. Seuss, you work best in a situation where you can actualize what you see in your imagination.
    Best careers: Artist, designer, psychologist, entertainment, charitable foundations, dog walker.
    Careers to avoid: Any job that has a physically or psychologically grueling schedule or deals with the harsh realities of life.

    So what do you think? Do you epitomize your indication, or are you the totally opposite? Let us know in comment area, below.

    Article source :

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    Capricorn : Qualities and calibre

    The Capricorn Man
    The Capricorn man will often conceal things about his life for little reason. Being defensive comes naturally; he is afraid that if he allows himself to be open, he will be exposed. This is why he seems so serious. With those he trusts he shows his wicked sense of humor and good nature. He is principled, though he keeps his beliefs and philosophy to himself. Capricorn men are often devoted to their career, which can make them seem distant regarding family responsibilities.

    The Capricorn Woman
    Capricorn women have a cool, standoffish charm. Elegant and glacial, they may seem unapproachable. Actually, this is a mask to hide their vulnerability. Capricorn individuals are afraid of "losing face." They fear criticism and can't abide being forced to be self-critical. This woman is competitive, though she is usually more interested in besting her own efforts than those of rivals. If she is not involved in an outside career, she will turn her home into a career. She is a good, if overly strict, mother and expects the best from her children.

    The Capricorn Lover
    The Capricorn lover may seem cautious and a bit cold but can be downright naughty! Capricorns' biggest problem is confidence. They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Capricorns respond well to domestic life because it provides stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical Capricorn is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness.

    Capricorn and Independence:
    Capricorns are very independent because they know their capabilities and therefore they rarely trust others to finish details, they like to do it all themselves. Capricorn is the longer of all zodiac signs.

    Capricorn and Friendship:
    The Capricorn is the strong friend, they will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. A Capricorn will get someone back on their feet again with a steady plan for success and for all this, they expect nothing in return. The Capricorn friend is deep and mysterious and full of intrigue, there always seems to be something going on in their mind.

    Capricorn and Business:
    The Capricorn personality is geared towards that of leadership and achievement, they always want to climb the corporate ladder and be the best they can be. Capricorns have excellent sense of time and manage it very well, they are excellent organizers. Capricorns are very creative, not spontaneously creative but it is incorporated into their time management skills and their ideas for executing a plan. Capricorns make good, wise investments because they look at the long term and what will be the most beneficial down the road.

    What it's Like to Date a Capricorn Woman:
    Deep inside, she is romantic and loving but it takes the right man to expose this. On the outside, she may seem like she does not care much for love. The Capricorn woman is perfect for the man who likes a challenge. It will take time to get closer to her, never make her rush into a relationship. Be patient because she is. Capricorn woman is very classy, upscale woman. You have to woo her and court her like a lady. Shower her with nice gifts (but not too expensive, she is a very conservative spender and expects you to be also). She will dominate and control the relationship but in her intriguing subtle way, let her take the lead, she won't steer you wrong! She will lead the relationship in the right direction because she is smart and practical. She will offer you a long lasting, real, loyal relationship with all the right ingredients for happiness.

    What it's Like to Date a Capricorn Man:
    The Capricorn man is very physical and passionate, but not emotional (on the outside). Deep inside he yearns for love but this takes a long time to become reality, he is very reluctant to place trust in another person. Show him how much you admire him and earn trust gradually over time. He is very faithful, probably the most faithful of all zodiac signs. Underneath his secretive mysterious nature is a romantic streak with a strong sensual side, this side is completely hidden and once unlocked, you'll be amazed at the transformation this man has undergone! Patience and trust is key with a Capricorn man, he has so much to offer the right woman who will wait for him.